Monday, November 3, 2014


 When school was out and the weather turned warm, we hopped in the car and headed for the Black Hills of South Dakota, Mt. Rushmore, and Custer State Park.  We spent some lazy mornings perusing the tourist shops in Keystone, and our afternoons exploring these amazing places.
Rock formation in Custer State Park
Did you know that the original design called for each of the presidents to be sculpted from the waist up?  Money became an issue so George Washington is the only one with a coat!

The Black Hills are beautiful though not what I expected.  I thought I was going to see literally - black hills, dirt, rocks, tree stubs. . . but they are aptly named because they are so densely populated with trees that in a distance they appear to be black (similar to Black Forest in Colorado Springs)
Bears - wonder who has the right-of-way
Coyotes and . . .

Mama Bear

Prong Horn

One of the fun things we did was to visit Bear Country USA.  These baby bears were having a great time!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Spring Break 2013

 It wouldn't be a trip to Marysville without a visit
to Burger King.  The workers there are very kind
I think Mom is on a first named basis with one of ladies and she always gives them the best service.

We celebrated Easter together by attending Church, a good dinner, and dessert from our Easter baskets

Another favorite place is Casa Carlos.  They have the best chips and salsa in town!

 We also celebrated Mom and Dad's 72nd wedding anniversary.  What a great example and inspiration to all of us.  We had a really nice day and Francie was able to come up with Jenny, Ryan, and Amy.