Sunday, October 13, 2024

I love October!  The trees are beautiful, we get to watch General Conference,  we celebrate Adam's birthday, it hasn't snowed yet, Parent/teacher's conferences so I usually get a kid or two, Halloween, Papa's birthday, and this. year, a trip to California.  

   HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ADAM! Such an amazing husband, father, son, uncle, counselor, and coach!  Thanks for making life such an adventure πŸ’—

On days we are lucky enough to have Jake with us, he loves to play football.  I know you are picturing two old people being tackled by an 8-year-old. Usually, though we just end up throwing the football back and forth, and sometimes it does require a block to keep him from scoring. 😁 He is great at throwing and catching so I wasn't too surprised when I got this video of his latest game - 

The kid has got some moves!!! 

Saturday, in between conference sessions, Dad and I got brave and took Sendai to Scheels.  Everyone else brings their dogs, so I thought Sendai should have a chance to shine.  The first thing she did was jump up on one of the counters and no one seemed to mind, they just loved on her.  I think she was on sensory overload trying to look at everything and wanting to say "hi" to everyone.  I think we need to go to Scheels more often πŸ˜€ and of course take her with us, so she can get used to being in such a busy place. (It was cost-effective though because we couldn't spend too much time looking around).


 Sayre lost his first tooth this past week. These youngest grandchildren are growing up too fast!


It was homecoming this week for Hollie and Eilis (and apparently Ben also).  They had fun and they looked beautiful ~

I don't think Ben lasted quite as long though -

 Got to have gelato with Paul and his friend Maren this week.  We took Sendai with us this time along with a yogurt container so she didn't feel left out. Left slightly disappointed this time because they didn't' have my favorite Salted Carmel.  Guess we will have to go back and try again😊
 Max is great to keep in touch and I love that he sent me some photos this week.  He got to spend time with cousins, with friends (at the Utah Hockey game when they beat the Blackhawks), and at General Conference.  



Jake has wanted a kitten for the longest time and Adam and Cory finally gave in - I mean who could resist this cute face ?????  Do you think Stevie will teach it how to catch and deliver mice to the living room?????

 Sendai has been droopy the last couple of days but she really perked up yesterday when Hollie and Ben came over to dog/house sit while we were at the Temple.  

I love Sunday Selfies, but if you are like Dad and I when we get to Church we are anxious to get inside, and when we get home one of us is anxious to change his clothes.  In between going and coming we forget, so . . . thank you to Kate and Jonathan who sent a great family photo this morning.  Next week I will send out a reminder and maybe we can get Sunday Selfies from everyone.


We enjoyed General Conference so much and I felt like there was a lot of emphasis on having hope, finding joy, and trusting in the Savior.  Elder Anderson shared a quote from President Nelson, 
“It doesn’t seem possible to feel joy when your child suffers with an incurable illness or when you lose your job or when you are struggling in relationships. Yet that is precisely the joy the Savior offers. His joy is constant, assuring us that our ‘afflictions shall be but a small moment’ and be consecrated to our gain.” Elder Anderson concluded his talk with a promise: "The peace you seek may not come as quickly as you desire, but I promise you that as you trust in the Lord, His peace will come."

My other favorite part of conference was the children's choir - they did an amazing job !



Sunday, September 29, 2024

 My BYU class is well underway this term and has kept me super busy but I love it!  I am taking a higher-level course, Family and Child Advocacy, and will be learning how to advocate for families and children and hopefully help them make changes in their lives for the better.  I don't have any aspirations of becoming a counselor or family therapist, but I do love what I am learning and hope you don't mind if I share some of my thoughts with you.  One of the things I love about taking classes through BYU is that you get to see "both sides of the story" so to speak - perspectives from professors at BYU and perspectives from educators who are not of our faith - and how these can work together.  This coming week we will be reading from a book called The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt and discuss how and why politics, religion, and current social issues can be so divisive.  It should be an interesting week! πŸ˜ƒ   

 Yay! This week we got to see Sammi πŸ’—.  She needed some help putting air in her tires and JiChan was only too happy to lend a hand.  We don't get to see her too often so it was fun to visit with her.  She just got a job working at Lifetime Fitness and has been busy with house and pet-sitting.  

  Even though Josh used to beg me to read the Harry Potter Books years ago, I just never really developed an affinity for them.  I enjoyed the first book, but didn't get beyond that.  I think I probably just don't have a good enough imagination for that genre  - BUT look who does . . .

Jonathan and Kate read to Sayre every night before bed and Kate was excited this week when they started Harry Potter that he loves them.

I am always looking for a good book to read so maybe I should give them another try -

Paul texted us on Friday and wanted to go with us to get some Gelato - We could never turn down Gelato (and we could never turn down Paul 😁). We love the little place we found not too far from our house, and the people who work there are so nice to us (probably because we have been there so often).  My favorite is a small cone with a scoop of chocolate (sometimes they have a Nutella chocolate if it's not gone before we get there) and then a small scoop of salted caramel on top.  YUM!!!  If you are not familiar with Gelato, it is creamier than ice cream but made with less sugar, and if there is anyone out there that would like to join us for a trip to the Gelato shop just let me know - our treat!

Thanks so much for the Sunday Selfies!



I just wish I could see everyone every day 

  Can there really be anything better than peanut butter???  I found a recipe for peanut butter energy balls last week and they are so good - satisfies the sweet tooth without refined sugar - so I wanted to share the recipe.
 2 cups old-fashioned oats
 1 cup natural peanut butter (I like the crunchy kind)
 1/2 cup honey
 1/4 cup mini chocolate chips
you can also add flax seed, cinnamon, dark chocolate, etc.
Mix everything together in a medium-sized bowl Roll the mixture into 1-tablespoon-size balls, arrange in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet and refrigerate until firm. Using parchment paper helps make cleanup a breeze! When the balls are firm, place them in a resealable container in the refrigerator. Once they are cold, it’s fine to layer them on top of each other.

I love going through the videos and especially watching the ones when the kids were little - have fun with these -

I hope you all have a wonderful week and be aware of all the blessings we have and how the Savior gives us strength to get through the tough days.  I love this thought from President Nelson - "the Lord will bless you with miracles if you believe in Him, “doubting nothing.” Do the spiritual work to seek miracles. Prayerfully ask God to help you exercise that kind of faith. I promise that you can experience for yourself that Jesus Christ “giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.” Few things will accelerate your spiritual momentum more than realizing the Lord is helping you to move a mountain in your life".

Sunday, September 22, 2024

 We are so sad to say goodbye to our Gracie girl today.  Affectionately known as Janet, or sometimes, the professor, in the Ellsworth family, she will definitely be missed!  Losing a pet is so hard - they really become part of the family and worm their way right into our hearts.  I'm sure she is teaming up with Claiborne, Bailey, and Alley now and they are sharing all kinds of family secrets πŸ˜€
 Extra thoughts and prayers for the Ellsworth family this week.  

  Max traveled back to his mission area in California this weekend so he could attend the Temple with a sister from the Vietnamese Branch who was going through for the first time.  It is so great when you can love and appreciate people of a different culture and recognize their goodness, humility, and faithfulness, even when times are hard. He and Lyndsay (who is adorable - I can tell by the photos Max sends) continue to enjoy Provo in the Fall. So far I think I've heard - long walks, hiking, long talks, Costco pizza, and studying in the library.   Also, Max just started a new job this week at Lululemon.  

We feel so blessed to see grandchildren often!  Paul came by on Thursday and had lunch with us.  I love when they drop in to check on us.πŸ’–  His homecoming dance was this weekend and he went with his good friend Maren ~

I didn't get to see Hollie this week but I did get to talk with her and I love it that they all have our phone numbers and will call or text during the week.  Hollie is enjoying her cosmetology class and she said next semester they will learn how to give perms.  
That reminded me so much of when Kate was little and I got brave one day and gave her a perm because her hair was so fine and straight.  I loved the curls!
Fun Jake stories this week ~ 
 The normal version of a smore is roasted marshmallows, Hershey's milk chocolate candy bar and graham crackers on the top and bottom.

 Jakes version is roasted marshmallows and Hershey's milk chocolate candy bar on the top and bottom 😁.     

We got to spend a day with Jake this week because he wasn't feeling well.  So fun to have around, even when he's not 100% life is still exciting!

I was able to go to the Family History Center this week and do some research into Helen's family.  Mike loves genealogy so when I told him what I am doing he jumped at the chance to help me.  We have found that some of her brothers and sisters need to have sealings done, and one brother died when he was just 13 from meningitis and he needs to have a baptism completed before the other ordinances can be done.  It is fascinating to me to read the old obituaries and notes that have been added to Family Search.  Hollie found some old family photos in a storage unit they were clearing out so hopefully we will get back to the Family History Center this week and get them scanned.  

Kevin and I will be flying the friendly skies next month to see Francie for her birthday and spend a few days with Mike and Barbi.  Hopefully, Ruthie can come for Francie's birthday and then we can all be together - I think the last time we did that we met in Napa, and that seems like ages ago.  We are hoping to take Helen's family names to the Feather River Temple where Mike will be able to help with the sealings.

Love you all so very much and want you to know we pray for each of you every dayπŸ’•

Sunday, September 15, 2024

  For some reason, this time of year always reminds me of my time in Provo at BYU.  I have such fond memories of walking home from classes in the coolness of the late afternoons, the change in color of the leaves from green to bright yellows and oranges, hiking, and taking the tram to Bridal Veil Falls.  I had wonderful roommates and I loved my Family Home Evening - we did so many fun things together.  

Here is Max on a hike with his cute friend Lindsay.  She is actually the daughter of Ken and Lynda Jensen, some of our very favorite people in the the world.  When we first arrived at the Monument Ward, Ken was there to greet us with hugs and made us feel so welcome. 

 Hope you have lots of fun adventures!  

Kate and Sayre were able to make the trip to the Nauvoo Temple yesterday.  Their Ward had made reservations and took some of the youth to help watch the younger children.  What a great idea!  Jonathan wasn't feeling well so he stayed home, but Kate made the drive without any drama unfolding.  The Primary children were able to walk into the foyer area, and Sayre said it made him feel good to be in the Temple.  The Nauvoo Temple is beautiful but there are very few places to stay or eat, and the drive there can be rough, especially during the Winter months.  It will be much easier for them to go to the Des Moines Temple once it is completed - driving time will be about the same, but freeway and easy access to food and lodging will help.

 This week I have enjoyed browsing through some old photos and this is one I forgot that I had.  It is a picture of my favorite aunt Arthel (she was known as AuntieThel) holding Adam and Josh, and Helen.  Helen came to live with the family after my Grandmother passed away at a young age.  She took care of my grandfather and helped raise the children.  When we lived in Tokyo we took Helen's name to the Temple and were able to do her work.  This week, however, I had been thinking about her and when I checked on her family in Family Search it looks as though none of the work had been done for her brothers or sisters.  I am hoping Mike can help me figure it out and we will be able to take her family names to the Temple.

I love that Sammi has a cat named Stevie!  However, Stevie has made herself less welcome in the family home because she continues to bring in dead, or half-dead mice (and then finishes the job after playing with it).  According to Cory, a few weeks ago she brought a bunny into the house that definitely wasn't dead.  With Jake's help, they were able to trap the bunny and shoo it back outside.  I would have loved to have seen this!

Thank you Kim, Chris, and Blythe for the Sunday Selfie!  I miss you all and hope we can see you soon! (before Blythe grows another inch πŸ˜€)

                      Hope you all have a wonderful week!