Sunday, May 12, 2024


Happy 16th Birthday to the last of my triplets ! (Blythe, Hollie, and Paul)

He always brings light, and laughter into our home whenever he stops by for a visit.  He is kind, loves soccer and is an amazing soccer player, and gives the best hugs 💖.

Some fun things Cory wrote about him when he was just a year old;
* He is a champion imitator.  If I make a noise or do something with a toy, he's immediately trying to do the same thing.
* He sleeps on his tummy. curled up in a little ball.
*He can eat marshmallows like no other.  Adam gave him some today during conference and he inhaled them.
*He is crawling, pulling himself up to standing, and trying to stand on his own.
* He is still always very happy and pretty easy going.
* He will growl when we are eating  and I can't keep food on his plate fast enough.

I don't know if he still loves marshmallows or growls, but he sure does make us smile and we love him so much!!!


AND . . . HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the favorite Mom's in my life. 


I happened to come across this photo of Blythe and my mom this week, and it just reminded me of how much she loved the grandchildren - every one of them.  I wish she had been able to hold Jake, Ben, and Sayre.  I miss her every day, but I am so thankful for daughters that help to fill that spot, and are wonderful mothers to my grandchildren!





I hope you all had a wonderful day ~

I also have to say how grateful I am to be a mother to amazing sons who are truly a gift to our family.  Love you all so much and hope you don't mind my mothering 😁





Also . . . Our family wouldn't be complete without Kevin (Ji-Chan) who puts up with all of my nonsense and is complicit in many of my shenanigans.  Can't imagine life without any of you!

Stay tuned next week for news about Max in Viet Nam, Paul and the Turtle, a story from Francie, the Piano Guys, our family reunion update, and any other family info and photos that come my way.  Love You!

Sunday, May 5, 2024

This is how I feel about Sundays.  I love going to Church.  I love our Ward, and the many friends we have.  I love my Primary Class and that we get to teach the little ones about the Book of Mormon this year.  We had Stake Conference today and we have a wonderful Stake Presidency and a great Bishopric.  The sister I go ministering with has an amazing testimony, probably because she has weathered some serious challenges in her life but has remained so faithful.  I feel blessed that all of these people are a part of my life and are such great examples of kindness and charity. (Even my Primary kids)

Tonight we finally got to sing Happy Birthday to Hollie - she has been home with strep this week, so we were so glad she was feeling better today.  She actually volunteered to fix dinner for us tonight so they came a little early and she went right to work.  The end result was a delicious white chicken chili (of course it was delicious, it had cream cheese in it).  Thanks Hollie, you can come cook for me anytime!  

This little guy does not slow down for much of anything!  Jake didn't have school on Thursday so Adam dropped him off in the morning.  After a couple of pieces of cinnamon toast, he was raring to go.  We walked Sendai 1.5 miles, came home and worked out in the backyard, pulling weeds, hauling lumber, and moving bricks.  Then he was ready to go to Subway for lunch where he almost finished his footlong sandwich.  After lunch, we went to Lowes and bought flowers.  He picked out two Lilies (because those were Brama's favorites) and he told me if they died they would come back the next year. He also picked out some yellow daisies, and petunias in a variety of colors.  When we got home he wanted to plant them, so he helped me dig holes and we planted the flowers which he then had a great time watering.  It didn't take much to talk him into bed that night.  We usually read a story from the Yertle the Turtle book if he spends the night, but he was too tired to read and asked me to read it to him.  

Cory said Jake also scored four goals in his soccer game on Saturday!  Why am I not surprised???

AND SPEAKING OF TURTLES . . . Paul wins the award for funniest story this week.  He and Adam were on their way to Paul's soccer game and they passed a sign that said Tuttle Family Dentistry.  So, then Paul turns to Adam and asks, "Why would someone take their turtle to the dentist?" 😂😂😂

DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR???  😁  I don't think Adam will ever live down the "dogs in the BX" story so I think Paul's in good company.

TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY - Kim and Chris went to a random florist shop on Saturday and Kim said they had these huge turtles.  So she sent a picture to Paul and told him the turtles had just been to see the dentist 😂

THS WEEK for my Public Speaking class we had to make an introduction video about ourselves and the things we love the most.  I wanted to add a photo of all of the grandchildren, but the only one I had was missing Sayre and Ben so Kate did some magic with Photoshop and created this for me 
This brings back the best of memories, and I love how "little" everyone is!  It also has me thinking that we really need to plan a family reunion.  I would love a family photo that would include all of us.  Do you think this is a possibility?  I think you could post comments at the end of this blog, so let me know what you think, and any creative ideas you might have.


I think Sayre was tired -

Ben decided he wanted his napkin around his neck


Kim, Grant, and Grant's dimples 😀

Kim and Blythe


I love our family.  You all make me so happy and make me smile (or laugh) on a daily basis.  I hope you have the best week ever!  


Sunday, April 28, 2024

 This has been a busy week and occasionally, when my days start out to be hectic from the moment my feet hit the floor, I end up putting off my morning prayers until sometimes it is time for evening prayers.  I have a testimony that there is power in prayer and Heavenly Father will listen to us no matter where we are or what we have done in this life.  I am making prayer a priority in my daily schedule this week -  my days are always better when I do.  I loved Elder Holland's talk this past General Conference, and his thoughts about prayer after his wife unexpectedly passed away and then became critically ill himself. . .

"I thank all of you and thank my Father in Heaven, who heard your prayers and blessed my life.

Brothers and sisters, I testify that God hears every prayer we offer and responds to each of them according to the path He has outlined for our perfection. I recognize that at roughly the same time so many were praying for the restoration of my health, an equal number—including me—were praying for the restoration of my wife’s health. I testify that both of those prayers were heard and answered by a divinely compassionate Heavenly Father, even if the prayers for Pat were not answered the way I asked. It is for reasons known only to God why prayers are answered differently than we hope—but I promise you they are heard and they are answered according to His unfailing love and cosmic timetable."

Kim and I are back at school for another term.  Kim was able to take a block class but I wasn't able to find one with classes I needed to take.  I actually considered not taking a class this term, but I have enjoyed the challenge of school and learning, and thought I might really miss it all if I waited until August.  
I registered for a Public Speaking class, which is a required course, but much easier without all of the reading and writing that I had to do in my class last term.  I love when I can learn things I will use, and this is definitely one that will be helpful in so many ways.  Kim is taking Art 125, a creative design class and I know she will do great ~

Kate was one of 18 staff members from the University of Iowa honored with a 2024 Staff Excellence Award!

Kate Allen serves as an instructional service specialist for the photography and 3D design areas in the School of Art and Art History. She plays a crucial part in addressing the technological needs of students, such as dedicating time to mastering tools for the 3D Design discipline and restructuring the 3D Design BFA studio. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Allen collaborated with faculty to revamp the online photography curriculum to ensure students continued to receive a meaningful educational experience and were able to fulfill requirements without lab access. Allen also assumed a leadership role in a school-wide DEI committee, ensuring that the voices of all staff members are heard and represented.   YOU GO GIRL! 🏆


Can't believe this sweetie is already 16!  She has the kindest heart and the brightest smile.  She is doing great in school and is an amazing cook.  She spent this weekend with us and she dusted, vacuumed, took Sendai for walks, and even had time to dye her hair 😀. Love you Hollie, and happy birthday on Tuesday 💖

I actually got to touch my sewing machine this week ~ Several weeks ago Eilis brought a dress over that she needed to have altered for her Prom.  I had a couple of ideas but the thought of taking apart something so pretty was daunting so I asked Brittany Rigss' mother to come over and help me.  She is an amazing seamstress and gave me some good ideas that made it not as hard as I thought it would be.  She got sparkly shoes and long black gloves to complete the look - and she looked amazing.  

Also got to have lunch with Emma this week.  We went to Panera and they finally have their Mexican Corn Chowder again. Yum

Thanks Emma!

Fun surprise of the week - Sammi stopped by one evening with a Panera M&M cookie for Ji-Chan and I.  Thanks Sammi! (Please notice who is in the corner eyeing the cookie) 😀

Friday morning Kevin and I traveled up to Denver for an appointment with President Priday, our Temple president.  He is just the kindest man.  He set us apart as temple workers and we will start next week working the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month.  We love being in the Temple and helping the brothers and sisters who come.  It is soooo good to be back 💕


Our crabapple tree finally has blossoms!
Max in California visiting friends

Beauty treatment for Angella and Ben 😀 

And you must watch this one - Jonathan is teaching Sayre how to chop onions 😲 He does a great job!


Sunday, April 21, 2024

 So, it wasn't a real vacation with palm trees and beaches but it was a much-needed vacation from school! YAAAAY!!!  Kim and I had a short break from classes this week and it was wonderful!  I still worked at Timberview on Tuesday and Thursday but when I got home I was able to sit outside, enjoy the sun, read my book, and take Sendai for a walk without having to feel guilty that I wasn't working on school assignments.  

Speaking of sitting outside . . . Thursday late afternoon Dad and I were in the Kitchen talking when we heard this horrible noise outside - the kind of noise you know has got to be something you really don't want to see . . .

Apparently, a gust of wind came up and pulled the umbrella out of it's stand and on the way out it hit the table top and shattered it.  Such a mess!  A million pieces of tiny glass particles to pick up - not to mention I lost my favorite relaxation spot. We have been on the look out for a new table and hopefully can find something in the next couple of weeks.   


Paul is officially on my list of great dancers!  Anyone want a lesson?  (Thanks Sammi!)

Watch out Blythe and Chris - You have some serious competition 😃  

Hollie has a birthday next week but she celebrated with Emma this week. What a lucky girl with such great sisters!  Emma and Hollie had a sleepover and then went shopping and out to eat the next day.  I think we will celebrate Hollie for the next two weeks ~

BEN and EILIS were here over the weekend.  Ben loves trains so Josh took him to the train store at the Mall which could be every little (and big) boys dream store. One evening Josh told him he needed to have patience, and his reply was "I don't like patience".  What six-year-old does?  😄


Kim and Blythe got matching dresses and they are so cute! (the dresses and the girls)    

Kim and Chris were out last night and on their way home they stopped to see Spencer at the restaurant where he works.  
It's not fair that I only get to see him once a year 😞

We miss you, Spencer! 💕

AND since no one, and I mean NO ONE, sent me a Sunday Selfie today Dad and I decided to inflict you all with one of us 😊

Friday, I had a dental appointment, and our dentist, Dr. Murdock came in for a short visit before I had my cleaning.  He is so great - I worked with him when I was in Relief Society, and he was assigned as a High Councilor to our Ward.  He was telling me that he held a meeting for his dental team earlier that week and shared with them part of a conference talk by Elder Uchtdorf from April 2012.  I told him I would come home and read it - I did, and it was so good I wanted to share some of his thoughts tonight.  

"I imagine that every person on earth has been affected in some way by the destructive spirit of contention, resentment, and revenge. Perhaps there are even times when we recognize this spirit in ourselves. When we feel hurt, angry, or envious, it is quite easy to judge other people, often assigning dark motives to their actions in order to justify our own feelings of resentment.

Of course, we know this is wrong. The doctrine is clear. We all depend on the Savior; none of us can be saved without Him. Christ’s Atonement is infinite and eternal. Forgiveness for our sins comes with conditions. We must repent, and we must be willing to forgive others. Jesus taught: “Forgive one another; for he that forgiveth not … [stands] condemned before the Lord; for there remaineth in him the greater sin”and “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.”

Of course, these words seem perfectly reasonable—when applied to someone else. We can so clearly and easily see the harmful results that come when others judge and hold grudges. And we certainly don’t like it when people judge us.

But when it comes to our own prejudices and grievances, we too often justify our anger as righteous and our judgment as reliable and only appropriate. Though we cannot look into another’s heart, we assume that we know a bad motive or even a bad person when we see one. We make exceptions when it comes to our own bitterness because we feel that, in our case, we have all the information we need to hold someone else in contempt.

The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, said that those who pass judgment on others are “inexcusable.” The moment we judge someone else, he explained, we condemn ourselves, for none is without sin. Refusing to forgive is a grievous sin—one the Savior warned against. Jesus’s own disciples had “sought occasion against [each other] and forgave not one another in their hearts; and for this evil they were afflicted and sorely chastened.”

May I add a footnote here? When the Lord requires that we forgive all men, that includes forgiving ourselves. Sometimes, of all the people in the world, the one who is the hardest to forgive—as well as perhaps the one who is most in need of our forgiveness—is the person looking back at us in the mirror.

This topic of judging others could actually be taught in a two-word sermon.  When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, or wanting to cause harm, please apply the following:

Stop it!

(The Merciful Obtain Mercy. April 2012)

I was talking with a friend this week about how hard it can be to forgive and often I don't think it can be done without help from our Savior.  Holding a grudge and being unwilling to forgive is such a huge burden to carry.  I hope you will all take to heart the words of Elder Uchtdorf!. Ask for Heavenly Father's help to forgive - it works!