Sunday, May 12, 2024


Happy 16th Birthday to the last of my triplets ! (Blythe, Hollie, and Paul)

He always brings light, and laughter into our home whenever he stops by for a visit.  He is kind, loves soccer and is an amazing soccer player, and gives the best hugs 💖.

Some fun things Cory wrote about him when he was just a year old;
* He is a champion imitator.  If I make a noise or do something with a toy, he's immediately trying to do the same thing.
* He sleeps on his tummy. curled up in a little ball.
*He can eat marshmallows like no other.  Adam gave him some today during conference and he inhaled them.
*He is crawling, pulling himself up to standing, and trying to stand on his own.
* He is still always very happy and pretty easy going.
* He will growl when we are eating  and I can't keep food on his plate fast enough.

I don't know if he still loves marshmallows or growls, but he sure does make us smile and we love him so much!!!


AND . . . HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the favorite Mom's in my life. 


I happened to come across this photo of Blythe and my mom this week, and it just reminded me of how much she loved the grandchildren - every one of them.  I wish she had been able to hold Jake, Ben, and Sayre.  I miss her every day, but I am so thankful for daughters that help to fill that spot, and are wonderful mothers to my grandchildren!





I hope you all had a wonderful day ~

I also have to say how grateful I am to be a mother to amazing sons who are truly a gift to our family.  Love you all so much and hope you don't mind my mothering 😁





Also . . . Our family wouldn't be complete without Kevin (Ji-Chan) who puts up with all of my nonsense and is complicit in many of my shenanigans.  Can't imagine life without any of you!

Stay tuned next week for news about Max in Viet Nam, Paul and the Turtle, a story from Francie, the Piano Guys, our family reunion update, and any other family info and photos that come my way.  Love You!

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