Sunday, September 15, 2024

  For some reason, this time of year always reminds me of my time in Provo at BYU.  I have such fond memories of walking home from classes in the coolness of the late afternoons, the change in color of the leaves from green to bright yellows and oranges, hiking, and taking the tram to Bridal Veil Falls.  I had wonderful roommates and I loved my Family Home Evening - we did so many fun things together.  

Here is Max on a hike with his cute friend Lindsay.  She is actually the daughter of Ken and Lynda Jensen, some of our very favorite people in the the world.  When we first arrived at the Monument Ward, Ken was there to greet us with hugs and made us feel so welcome. 

 Hope you have lots of fun adventures!  

Kate and Sayre were able to make the trip to the Nauvoo Temple yesterday.  Their Ward had made reservations and took some of the youth to help watch the younger children.  What a great idea!  Jonathan wasn't feeling well so he stayed home, but Kate made the drive without any drama unfolding.  The Primary children were able to walk into the foyer area, and Sayre said it made him feel good to be in the Temple.  The Nauvoo Temple is beautiful but there are very few places to stay or eat, and the drive there can be rough, especially during the Winter months.  It will be much easier for them to go to the Des Moines Temple once it is completed - driving time will be about the same, but freeway and easy access to food and lodging will help.

 This week I have enjoyed browsing through some old photos and this is one I forgot that I had.  It is a picture of my favorite aunt Arthel (she was known as AuntieThel) holding Adam and Josh, and Helen.  Helen came to live with the family after my Grandmother passed away at a young age.  She took care of my grandfather and helped raise the children.  When we lived in Tokyo we took Helen's name to the Temple and were able to do her work.  This week, however, I had been thinking about her and when I checked on her family in Family Search it looks as though none of the work had been done for her brothers or sisters.  I am hoping Mike can help me figure it out and we will be able to take her family names to the Temple.

I love that Sammi has a cat named Stevie!  However, Stevie has made herself less welcome in the family home because she continues to bring in dead, or half-dead mice (and then finishes the job after playing with it).  According to Cory, a few weeks ago she brought a bunny into the house that definitely wasn't dead.  With Jake's help, they were able to trap the bunny and shoo it back outside.  I would have loved to have seen this!

Thank you Kim, Chris, and Blythe for the Sunday Selfie!  I miss you all and hope we can see you soon! (before Blythe grows another inch 😀)

                      Hope you all have a wonderful week!

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